Right to freedom of information

Lawyer for right to freedom of information in Berlin

The German Freedom of Information Act (IFG) essentially governs the unconditional right to access public information from federal authorities. Comparable freedom of information acts apply in most Länder. While just a few years ago, official information was not generally public, citizens now have far-reaching rights to view and access information which are not connected to the enforcement of any legal, financial or other interests.

Rechtsanwalt für Informationsrecht in Berlin - Laptop mit Informationen

Exemptions from freedom of information

Where disputes frequently arise is over the numerous exemptions. Authorities regularly argue for a need to protect vital public interests and claim that disclosure of such information could pose a public safety risk. Another frequent argument for exemption relates to the protection of personal data where the interests of the applicant in accessing the information must always be weighed up against the interests of third parties in confidentiality or consent must be obtained from the third party in question. No less often, authorities invoke the protection of intellectual property or of the trade and business secrets of third parties. In our experience, authorities tend to interpret these rules on exemptions very broadly, with the result that issues around the correct scope of the access requested frequently land in front of the administrative court. Time and again, the files and information requested are only released with extensive redaction, with the argument that this is in the interests of safety and confidentiality. This, too, can unlawfully curtail the applicant’s right to access information freely.

The costs of accessing information: fees and expenses

Another frequent source of dispute between parties is the amount of fees and expenses charged for access to information. The principle, according to which fees and expenses should not discourage applicants, is overlooked by the authorities just as frequently. The potential for clashes with other grounds for claiming a right of access should still be taken into account before submitting an application. This includes, in particular, the German Environmental Information Act (UIG) and the simple right of parties in administrative proceedings to view files pursuant to S. 29 German Administrative Procedure Act (VwVfG). We can provide advice before you actually submit your application and guide you through the entire objection and complaint proceedings before the administrative courts.


Representing private individuals, societies and associations against state and federal authorities, in particular the Berlin Police

YOUR PARTNER FOR right to freedom of information IN BERLIN

RA Antonio Leonhardt

Competent and experienced – your legal advisor for administrative and migration law. Benefit from our years of experience with administrations and administrative courts.

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